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Description is a fun Minecraft style game. Eat cakes, cookies, cooked fish and everything you find to grow in size while you are small, most importantly do not eat poisonous potatoes, because it reduces your experience and you become smaller! Attack smaller enemies, so you have a better chance of staying alive. You can insurance yourself just run away from large enemies so that they do not kill you with one fell swoop of their powerful weapon! Or you can donate your experience to the enemy. The game has only 15 levels: 1. Steve with a wooden sword 2. A bee with a sunflower 3. Pumpkin with a stick 4. Fish with a fishing rod 5. Ocelot with a stone sword 6. A pig with a stone pickaxe 7. Zombies with an iron shovel 8. Skeleton with bone 9. Creeper with an iron pickaxe 10. Drowned man with a trident 11. Enderman with a diamond sword 12. Zombie Pigman with a golden sword 13. Blaze with an blaze rod 14. Witch with an Enchanted diamond sword 15. Herobrine with nanosable Can you get to level 15 and become the biggest and strongest in the game? Hint: for players who disable the ad blocker, an additional 20% of experience is awarded! One of the effective attack tactics: approach the enemy on the left side so that it is to your right and from your sword, then - immediately attack first! MineStrike will let you have fun and not let you get bored!
How to play
Move - mouse Attack - left mouse button Speed Up - right mouse button



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